What is the address of Riverfest?
Berwick Riverfest is located on South Eaton Street in Berwick Pennsylvania, behind the Kmart Plaza.
Are there ATMS on the festival grounds?
Yes ATM's are located for your convenience near the Main Stage in the center of the festival grounds.
Are animals permitted on the festival grounds?
Due to the safety of the animals and attendees we ask no pets allowed on the grounds during the festival.
How crowded does it get?
Friday afternoon normally is the most comfortable time to enjoy Riverfest, and Saturday hosts many free shows and events, but all days are quiet comfortable to browse the 150 food and craft vendors because the walkways are wide and paved and the field area is laid out to accommodate even the largest of crowds with comfort.
How is parking?
Berwick Riverfest tries to accommodate all attendees by using traffic control utilizing many large flat grassy areas. Traffic control will guide you to the nearest most covenant lot and offers a separate exit pattern when you festival experience is compete. The is a handicap area to the front of Lot A and a few more spots at the Warren Street gate allowing a walk of only 100 feet to the festival.
How are Restrooms?
Portable Restrooms are located in many areas of the festival including parking areas. They are well stocked and cleaned frequently for your convenience. Permanent restrooms are on the planning stage for the future events
How much does Riverfest cost?
Berwick Riverfest loves to see all the happy faces when attendees learn of the stress free environment of FREE Parking, FREE Admission FREE Shows, and FREE Entertainment.